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Fight with grace in exhilarating battles!
Enjoy taking down the enemy with class in high-speed battles!
The name of the game is to barrage enemies with attacks in order to increase your Stamina Gauge. Max it out to active Ninja Art Skills!

◆Ninja Art Skills and Ninja Art Triggers◆
Ninja Art Skills are activated via the Stamina Gauge!
Because the screen slows while you select a skill in-battle,
you can calmly and conveniently select the skill you'd like to use with ease.
Assign your favorite skills to any of the ○×△□ buttons.
By executing a new Ninja Art Skill in a way that chains it to the previous skill,
you will activate the Ninja Art Trigger chain effect, which will amplify the effects of Ninja Art Skills! It's possible to chain [First] → [2nd] → [3rd] → [End] for a total of 4 stages, so try unleashing skills in succession!

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